Vanilla Wow Prot Warrior Best In Slot

Vanilla Wow Prot Warrior Best In Slot

Vanilla Wow Prot Warrior Best In Slot Items


Vanilla Wow Prot Warrior Best In Slot Bfa


Fury Warrior Best In Slot

I realize 39 twinks probably arent the most popular, nor warriors but I made this guide nonetheless while looking stuff up for my own 39 twink warrior.
Havent seen many twink guides updated after 3.0.2 either so here ya go.
We'll start with picking your race. I've only listed the racials useful to warriors.
Perception - Passive stealth detection increase.
Every Man for Himself - Free 2 min PvP trinket.
Mace Spec. - 3 Expertise with 2H and 1H maces.
Sword Spec. - 3 Expertise with 2H and 1H swords.
Night Elf:
Shadowmeld - Stealth, canceled if you move. 2 min CD. (CD now starts after use instead of after breaking.)
Quickness - Reduces chance to get hit by melee and ranged attacks by 2%.
Wisp spirit - Increased movement speed when dead.
Mace Spec. - 5 Expertise with 2H and 1H maces.
Stoneform - Grants immunity to poison, disease, and bleed effects and adds 10% armor for 8 secs. 3 min CD.
Frost Resistance - Reduces chance to be hit by frost spells by 2%.
Heroic Presence - Chance to hit with attacks and spells by 1% for all party members. 30 yd radius.
Shadow Resistance - Reduces chance to be hit by shadow spells by 2%.
Gift of the Naaru - At level 39 = 620 healed - 124 every 3 sec for 15 sec. 1.5 Sec cast time, 3 min CD.
Gemcutting - Increased JC skill by 5.
Eng Spec. - Increased Eng skill by 15.
Arcane Resistance - Reduces chance to be hit by arcane spells by 2%.
Escape Artist - Remove snare/slow effect. 1.75 min CD.
Endurance - Base health increased by 5%.
War stomp - Stuns enemies within 8 yds for 2 secs. 0.5 sec cast, 2 min CD.
Nature Resistance - Reduces chance to be hit by nature spells by 2%.
Cultivation - Increased herbing skill by 15.
Cannabalize - 7% of total health every 2 secs for 10 secs while eating corspe, movement, actions or taking dmg cancels the effect. 2 min CD.
Shadow Resistance - Reduces chance to be hit by shadow spells by 2%.
Underwater Breathing - Breath lasts 233% longer than normal.
Will of the Forsaken - Removes charm, fear, sleep effects. 2 min CD.
Axe Spec. - 5 Expertise with 2H and 1H axes.
Hardiness - Reduces duration of stun effects by 15%.
Blood Fury - At level 39 158 AP for 15 secs. 2 min CD.
Berserking - Increases attack/casting speed by 10-30%, depending on current health (closer to 30% with less health), for 10 secs. 3 min CD.
Regeneration - Health regeneration rate increased by 10% and lets 10% of total health regen to continue in combat.
Da Voodoo Shuffle - Reduces duration of movement impairing effects by 15%.
On to spec'ing!
Arms build:(25/5/0)
Switch sword spec for whichever weapon you're going to use obviously.
Grab a 2 hander and go smack people. Keep Rend up for Taste for Blood.
Fury Build:(0/30/0)
Can move the points in Precision to another talent if you don't plan on DW'ing.
Not much else to say here, moving on to gear.
Head slot. Enchant - 8 Agi, 8Str, or 100 HP.
Raging Berserker's Helm
This is pretty much the bost item for your head slot and easily obtainable to boot.
Expert Goldminer's Helmet
Much harder to obtain but you get expertise. 2.8595 reduced chance to be dodged/parried I believe.
However you lose a significant amount of AP and crit.
Shoulder slot.
Skeletal Shoulders
Same as Herod's shoulders except they look worse and have 3 more armor.
Herod's Shoulder
A solid pair of shoulders, nice stam, some sta and armor.
Fleshhide Shoulders
100 less armor and 1 less str than Herod's but 6 agi in place.
Revelosh's Spauldersof the Bear or Monkey
Nice amount of sta on these, I'd take Fleshhide over these though.
Flintrock Shoulders
Not all that great in my opinion, offers less stam than your other options but more agi.
Back slot. Enchant - 12 Agi.
Scorpashi Cape
Get it. Use it. Love it.
Battlehard Cape
Horde only. Not bad if you cant find a Scorpashi Cape.
Darktide Cape
Again, alterative if you cant get a Scorpashi Cape. Doesnt look to bad either.
Chest slot. Enchant - 6 stats or 150 HP.
Blood-Tinged Armor
Horde only. Best chest for a 39 warrior.
Captain's Breastplate of the Bear/Monkey
Best option for alliance. Any other mail 12/12 armor will do too.
Waist slot.
Ogron's Sash
More sta and agi than Boar Champion's but less AP.
Boar Champion's Belt
Nice amount of str and some sta. Both belts are about the same, use whichever one works best for you.
Wrist slot. Enchant - 12 Str.
Crushridge Bindings
Either of these bracers will do, take Revelosh's if you're lacking crit.
Revelosh's Armguards of the Monkey
More sta than Crushridge and 8-9 Agi instead of 5 str.
Glove slot. Enchant - 15 Str/Agi
Gloves of Holy Might
Best gloves you can get. Grab these when ya see em.
Gauntlets of Divinity
No crit but more AP than Gloves of Holy Might as well as some sta.
Shadowskin Gloves
1 less sta than the gauntlets and crit instead of AP.
Leg slot. Enchant - Nethercobra or Nethercleft Leg armor.
Legguards of the Vault
Best legs you can get but you dont see em a whole lot on the AH and could take forever to farm em.
Basilisk Hide Pants
Nice agi on these, a good alternative to the ones above.
Ancient Legguards of the Monkey/Bear (+12/+12)
Not a bad option though I would prefer Enduring Breeches over these.
Enduring Breeches
Nicely itemized for us in my opinion.
Feet slot. Enchant - Boar's Speed or Cat's Swiftness.(7 Sta for lvl 28 boots)
Worn Running Boots
Horde only. Best stats and you're able to put the TBC enchants on these.
Highlander's/Defiler's Mail Greaves
Still have decent stats at 39 but you're unable to put TBC enchants on these.
Ironheel Boots
Alli only. Quested and TBC enchantable.
Ring slots.
Aquamarine Signet of the Bear/Monkey.
Best ring you can get but you can only have one even if they are different suffixes.
Legionnaire's/Protector's Band
This should be in your second ring slot.
Truesilver Commander's Ring
If you're saving marks for a tabard or something else this will hold you over till WSG ring.
Neck slot.
Medal of Courage
Nice amount of AP and stam. Questable by both factions.
Scout's/Sentinel's Medallion
Another solid option for a neck pice.
Trinket slots.
Arena Grandmaster
Best twink trinket, hands down. Not all that easy to get though and takes some time.
Insignia of the Horde/Alliance
This should be your second trinket unless you are a human. You can switch this out while it's on CD though.
Mark of the Chosen
Nice litle stat boost, low chance though.
Philosopher's Stone
Another option. +5 all stats.
Black Pearl Panther
JC only. 90 AP on use, 5 min CD.
Golden Hare
Another JC only. Increased run speed(removes the need for speed increase on boots) and run speed/snare prevention use. 20 min CD.
Tidal Charm
3 sec stun on use. Nice for catching casters and EFC. 15 min CD.
Rune of Duty
Another option with decent passive bonuses.
2 Handers. Enchant - Crusader, Savagery, or 35 agil.
The only advantage here is the DPS of the weapon.
Pendulum of Doom
A very slow axe, very nice. Alot of people will pay ALOT of money for this though.
Be prepared to pay for a good portion of someone's epic flyer to get this, or use another weapon. =P
Alli only. Nice stats, slower than other options here.
Alternative to Nightblade. Almost the same median dmg but better stats and slower.
Lumbering Ogre Axe
Very slow green axe. A good alternative to Pendulum of Doom.
Whirlwind Weapons
Axe is decent though not as good as other options.
Mace is good if you're set on going mace spec.
Sword however, is same speed as Nightblade so there's not really any advantage there.
One Handers. Enchant - Crusader MH. Potency or Mongoose OH.
Vanquisher's Sword
28 AP, pretty much same DPS/speed as SM quest reward swords.
Sword of Serenity/Omen
Serenity(Alli only) has a good amount of stam.
Omen(Horde only) faster than most other swords, nice stats. Either of these could replace Vanquisher's/Dazzling.
Dazzling Longsword
Fast sword, decent proc. Good OH.
Legionnaire's/Protector's Sword
Nice MH sword. Slow with high median dmg.
Stonevault Bonebreaker
Very nice maces. If you feel like DW'ing and going mace spec these would be the way to go.
Monolithic Bow
Best stats, get one when you can.
Outrider's/Outrunner's Bow
some Agi/sta. Decent alternative.
The Silencer
Another alternitive if you want AP instead.
Shield. Enchant - 18 Stam.
Aegis of the Scarlet Commander
It's the best shield for the bracket and drops in SM. No reason you shouldnt be able to get it.
At level 39 you have 2 Major and 1 Minor Glyph slots open.
Glyph of Charge
This is the only glyph I could see being of help to you.
Glyph of Hamstring
Basically Imp. Spamstring in glyph form. Dont leave home without it.
Glyph of Overpower
I'd take this as fury cause between dodges and Taste for Blood procs OP will probably be on CD already.
Glyph of Execution
Alternatively I'd take this as arms due to the above statement.
Weapon buffs - Dense Sharpening Stones and/or Frost Oil
Battle Elixir - Elixir of Giants or Elixir of Greater Agility
Guardian Elixir - Gift of Arthas or Elixir of Greater Defense
Buff food - Rumsey Rum Black Label
Potions - Superior Healing Potions and Swiftness Potions
Alch gives you access to Philosopher's stone as well as 'Mixology' giving you an added bonus when you use elixirs that you can make.
You can make the Black Pearl Panther and Golden Hare with JC, with are both nice trinkets.
Gives you some gizmos and gadgets but most importantly, explosives.
Herbing, Skinning, and Mining
Gathering professions all have no level requirement again as of 3.0.3 and each has a nice bonus. The following bonuses are for level 375.
Herbing gives a 1200 self HoT.
Mining gives a 300 bonus to HP.
Skinning gives 15 crit rating.
Hope this guide helps someone, put a fair amount of work into it. If anyone has any questions/comments feel free to post. Also if you see any typos, wrong/broken links, ect. please let me know.
Thank you for reading! Have fun twinking!

Vanilla Wow Prot Warrior Best In Slot Legendary

If we’re getting post 1.11 Shield Slam, 31 points in Prot is better unless the fight is lasting less than 3 minutes. There was some good bit of theorycrafting recently that suggests that, if damage taken isn’t a concern, and the fight doesn’t lasts longer than 3 minutes, Death Wish builds will out threat deep prot builds. This ability requires berserker stance but nobody says you have to stay in berserker stance after using it. As a prot warrior you absolutely must have at least 2/5 tactical master. This allows you to retain 10 rage when you switch to berserker stance, use berserker rage and then immediately switch back to defensive stance. 'Edited few previously wrong numbers' Player receives 1 rage per 30 damage dealt Player receivves 1 rage per 90 damage taken Using a speed 1.3 weapon / 37-70dmg / 41.2 DPS grants you avg 2 - 5 rage per hit, while damage is around 80 - 100 per hit. A Warrior outfit containing 19 items. A custom transmog set created with Wowhead's Dressing Room tool. In the Warrior Outfits category.